Ending 3

Kate asked “Do you know what you did to all he students in our school? They all are died! What do you think their parents feel like? They don’t know why they died too! All the other students could have live more than 60 years and you kill them? Don’t you know how much life is important? You could have one life in your whole life and you’ve destroyed it!” Suddenly that sentence really touched her and ran away. When Julie went back to her house, she cried for like an hour than went to the school. It was really dark and she could see what she has done to all the other students. She went up to the roof and said sorry to her parents and all the friends’ that she has killed and fell down the roof. The next morning, Kate went to the school by 7 o’clock because Julie’s mom called her and asked if she knows where she went. She saw Julie on the floor, full of blood and cried and cried and cried….

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