Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Princess Bride-movie review

Hello everyone! Today on my 4th post, I would like to introduce a movie called”The Princess Bride”. This movie was made in the 1987s directed by Rob Reiner.

It is a fairy tale with swords, monsters, plays, giants, prince, princess, romance and some comedy. This a fairy tale told by a grandfather to his grandson.

The main characters are Buttercup, Westley, Vizzini, Fezzik, Miracle Max and prince Humperdinck.

It takes place in the farm at first place but mostly takes place in the forest of thieves and the castle.

The plot of this story is very funny and exciting. Now I will tell a summary about this story.There was a girl named"Buttercup" who lived in a farm house. Westley was a farm boy who worked in Buttercup's farm. But one day they fell in love. It was not just a love it was a true love. They wanted to marry but Westley didn't have any money so he left. He promised to come back. After 5 years when Buttercup was a bout to marry prince Humperdinck, She got kidnapped in the forest while riding a horse. She was took by the 3 kidnappers o the forest of thieves. The reason why they kidnapped her was because of her crown and the stuff(expensive) that will make money. But a man in black kept fallowing them with a boat and finally arrived to the cliff of insanity. They climbed up with a rope. They had to run away but the Man in black was following them with the rope that they were climbing. They cut the rope as soon as they went on the cliff.But fortunately he didn't fell. He held one of the rocks.Someone had to stay to fight with him so Indigo, one of the kidnappers stayed to fight with him. The man in black had a hard time climbing on so Indigo threw a rope to him. When he came on the cliff they started fighting. Th man in black didn't kill him but made him faint. Then quickly ran to save the princes. He made all the kidnappers faint and saved the princess. The man in black didn't tell the princess who he was so Buttercup pushed the man in black in the hill but then Buttercup also followed him to save him. As soon as the mask go off of his head she knew who he was. He was Westley. Then they noticed that the prince was following them so ran and ran until they went in the forest of thief. But they couldn't escape of the sliders from the Prince. The prince made as deal if Buttercup marrys him he won't kill Westley and let him go. So Buttercup followed the prince and Humperdink pretend to let Westley go but as soon as the prince and Buttercup left with a horse, Rugen kidnapped Westley. The prince didn't keep his secret. He took away 50 years of his life. Humperdinck got very mad at Buttercup and decide to kill her on the wedding night. Westley was almost died but Indigo and Fizzik brought him to miracle Max and asked for help. And then Westley came alive again but was hard to walk. When the prince was about to kill the princess, Westley came and saved Buttercup. The prince was supervised because he thought that Westley was dead. Vizzini, one of the kidnappers had to revenge to a guy named "Rugen" with 6 fingers who killed his father. For revenge he killed Rugen. You know what was funny about that part? He kept on saying"You killed my father prepare to die." He said like about 50 times so it was very funny.

Overall, I think the movie is very in interesting how it starts with a grandfather telling a story to his grandson. The genre of this story ids very interesting too. It's not just one genre its combined into many different genres.There are many characters who all have different personalities.I love the part when Miracle Max helped Westley live again because I thought Westley died but the story totally changed. I was quite surprised to know this movie was made int the 1987s because at that time it was hard to find actors and to make a movie.

While watching the movie, I learned that true love is never going to be separated and to not lose my hope for everything just like Miracle Max. He knew it was hard to make him alive again but He saved Westley. And also to keep promises to everyone.

Here is the trailer of the movie. Take a look at it.And watch the movie sometime. It's very interesting and funny. Hope you like my summary about (The Princess Bride) and hope you like the movie!

Also, take a look at the official site of this movie!
You could download the movie for free!

Hope you enjoyed my 4th blog post!!!