Friday, August 9, 2013

One second everyday

 Hello, I'm back with my 7th post. today I'm going to post a very special but also a interesting post that I started blogging after watching TED <one second everyday>. I will now show you 10 pictures of places where I went during the last summer holiday.

I went to the New York for my summer break but I stayed there for few months. After a week, I started travelling around United States of America. Because of the time difference between Hong Kong and America! Now I will share you about the best place in the U.S. that I went. It's New York and Boston!

<Statue of Liberty>


 The first -place that I went in New York was the Statue of Liberty. I think she is the best statue that I've ever seen! It's large, pretty and just amazing! I was really impressed of the people who built it and how she represents the freedom of New York. The Statue of Liberty is originally made from Italy but they gave it to New York and this is how New York started to have freedom.

<Times Square>

Do you know the main place in New York? Correct! It's Times Square. It\s full of restaurants, souvenirs, clothes and other interesting and pretty shops. I really enjoyed eating pizza and chicken there. I bought lots of souvenirs which was labeled I LOVE NEW YORK. Do you know what I also like in New York? It's the yellow taxis. The color is very bright and i like that strips on it. Do you have anything that you like about New York?

Arts are sooo pretty but especially the arts inside the Metropolitan Museum of Arts. By looking at the pictures, statues, and real stuffs. I learned lots of stuffs related to New York and the history of it. I saw a lots of arts related to freedom and wars. the arts of freedom  looked very peaceful with a big smile but the arts of wars were kind of scary but proud how New York won in a lots of wars.

<Central Park>

Have you heard the Central park next to Metropolitan Museum of Arts? It's just a park but kind of different from an original park. This park is a park that shows fireworks and plays music (from a really famous orchestra) once a year. It's a famous place to take movies or take wedding pictures. It's a park but it’s beautiful so it's a popular place for taking pictures. I really like the picture of me that I took with a squirrel! You can also find wild animals there.

<United State's Capitol>

 This is the Capitol of America. A place where the presidents and the members of the assembly ask for their thoughts and their claims. I really like that they placed a person meaning the statue of freedom on the top of the building. It was built in the 1853 and was made for more than 10 years. While taking a look around the building, I saw all the American presidents and the statue of them. I think the Americans are very proud of their country that they had great presidents.

<White House>
 As you know, this is the white house. I really like it because I really like the color white and I also like how its designed. The color white means clear and peaceful. Compared to the blue house in Korea, the white house looks like it was built in the current year and the Blue house looks like Giwajip. Doesn't mean that I don't like the Blue house. I like the blue house too because it kind of tells you the culture of Korea.

<Empire State Building>
It's soooo high and scary! But it’s so cool when you arrive the top floor. It was the most memorable part of my life. I could feel the wind touching my skin and the clouds moving in front of me when they are moving. The most amazing part was that I could see the colorful night view of New York! 

<Harvard University>

 Which college do you want to go? Have you think of going to Harvard? When i arrived to the Harvard station, I saw something different from what I thought it would be because there was a big huge green field lied down on the center of the school. The liberty was a size that nobody could imagined and I really liked the souvenirs that were sell  in front of Harvard! My brother and I determined to study hard and go to the Harvard University!

Did you enjoy the short trip to New York and Boston? Hope you enjoyed my post! I really recommend you to try this because pictures are only the things left from the past! Make a picture essay and think of that one second in your life. Thank you for looking at my post!!!^^

1 comment:

  1. I'm quite sure that the White House is in Washington D.C. and is not in either NYC or Boston, but OK.
