Friday, August 2, 2013

Creative Writing

Hello everyone, I'm back with my 5th post. Today I'll post of a story of my own. The title is  <Nobody knows the Truth>. Hope you could enjoy reading it.

This is how the story starts.......

There was this girl called "Julie" who was one of the best in the Minjok Middle School. The reason why she was called the best was because she bullied all the students in her class without their parents or the teachers knowing it. Everyone in the Minjok Middle School was scared of her. Everyone knew when someone said her name. Kate was a new student to Julie's class, 9A. Kate didn't know anything about her ans tried to talk with her but Julie never answered back. During the lunch time, Kate decided to sit with the other students from her class. She sat with Lucy, John and Max.They told all about Julie and told what she did  to them and the other students. But fortunately, Lucy, John and Max never got into a fight with Julie, they just had a quarrel. After few months, the four friends became best friend and had a great time together. Kate started to go to a sports center to learn all sort of sports. She learned swimming, running, basketball, tennis, baseball, soccer.etc.But the thing was, Julie also attended to this sporting academy. Kate was scared and frightened every time she pasted her. Julie had any friend in the academy, same as Kate. So one day, when they were in the shower room together, Kate went up to her and said"I think you are very good at Sports. I think you know me, Right?I'm in the same class as you. Yes, I do know you" said Julie. "do you want to be friends with me?" asked Kate. And Julie said "sure!" with a loud clear voice. And then Kate noticed that Julie was a great friend. They played, studied together and became best friends. Everyone in their school thought them very strange. Lucy, John and Max was scared so they didn't play with Kate anymore. But Kate didn't really care about them. There was one thing that is similar to each other. they both sang very well so thy attended to the Voice America 2. They got in the finals ans sang"Just the Way you Are'. But Julie only got in the entertainment as a singer. Kate felt sorry for her but this was her only chance to be a singer.That's when Julie turned into a totally different person. All the people who was bullied by her suicide. But nobody knew who it was. Who made them, die. The students knew the truth but couldn't tell anyone because if they do, they would get bullied by Julie. Kate didn't know what was happening over the 1 year because she didn't go to school. After she knew what was going on in the school......

To be continued........

To continue to ending 1, click here
To continue to ending 2, click here
To continue to ending 3, click here

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your story. It is interesting but I'm curious how it ends. Where are the links to your 3 endings? If you do not know how to do this, please see my blog under Go Blog Assignments, then Creative Writing for instructions. You can also ask me for help.
