Ending 2

Even though Kate knew what Julie did to the students in her school, she knew what she did wrong 1 year ago so she asked Julie if we could be friends again. She asked about 10 times a day but Julie always ignored her. She asked and asked but kept ignoring her. One day, Kate said ”I know that you don’t like me but when I passed my audition I thought it as my last time and my only chance to achieve my dream. You know how hard it is to be a singer. To be a singer, I learned singing for 5years. I didn’t trash you or leave you alone. I just wanted to try my best. We could try it together next time with more practice. So... Can we be friends again?” And that sentence really touched Julie. So she said that she was sorry that she ignored her and to run for our dreams once again tomorrow. And they became best friends again and the school got peaceful back again too.

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