Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Persuasive Letter

Su Min Kim


August 8th, 2013

Dear Dad,                                                                                                          

I am writing this letter because I believe smoking can cause serious health problems. For example you can get a lung, throat or a lip cancer. It can also cause you a heart attack and lead to a serious problem.
Many experts like Egg Yolks, for example agrees with me. I will explain the 3reasons for this to support my opinion.

The first reason is because smoking can give you a heart attack. There are statistics to show this is true.According to a Russian who dies last year, died because of smoking. He was smoke addicted an d got all his lung damaged.

The second reason is because your teeth will get discolored. There are facts to show this is true. It has been discovered that you have to have a big surgery for your teeth to get them clean again. It's possible you won't be able to use them again.(you'll have to use fake teeth)
The final reason is because cigarettes contain polonium 210. There is a data to show this is true. It is known that the radioactive substances that killed the Russian guy that was all in the news last year. That means you are sucking in pure radiation.

As you can see, smoking is a very scary thing to do. You still have time to stop smoking and take your time. You promised me like 2 years ago that you will stop but you still didn't. I hope you will stop smoking after you see my letter. Stop buying cigarettes! It is killing yourself!!!

Su Min Kim

link for picture1                                                                                                                    link for picture2