Ending 1

Kate started to regret what she did last year. It was all because Kate betrayed of Julie and went into the academy. Kate tried for over two weeks but nothing could stop Julie now. And then a serious problem occurred. Julie started bullying Kate! She hit her with a wooden stick and with a chair and used bad words. Then Kate got emotional problems and couldn’t go to school. While in the hospital, she knew what happened over the 1 year. After being healthy back again, and went to school, the bullying started again and it lasted for a month. And then Kate had to face the worst situation it could happen. She went to the roof and fell down! This was how Kate died. Do you know why Kate’s parents didn’t go to her and say something? Because Julie knew this will happen and she moved her house. Nobody knows what Julie did to Kate. The students knew who killed Kate but they kept it a secret because of Julie. But after Kate went to another school, They told the teachers and their parents the truth but nobody believed them.

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