Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three things I know to be true

Hello! My name is Siena Kim. I am 14 years old and I am a girl.Now I would like to introduce a little about me.I'll use three words to introduce myself.

1. HongKong
2. Swimming
3. Friends

Do you know anything about Hong Kong?It is located next to China. Here is a picture of HongKong.

It’s a small country with many beautiful places. Hong Kong is not my home country but its just like it. Its because I lived there for more than 7 years.(more than half on my life).If you live there you could go to Macau very often.Its right next to Hong Kong.It only takes you 1 hour taking a boat to go there.Visit Hong Kong!

Do you like swimming? Swimming is my hobby but also a great friend of mine in my life. I learned to swim when I was 7 years old and I am now a swimmer. Swimming takes away all my stress and makes me feel refreshed.

Do you have someone when you're sick,happy,angry, or worried? That's a true friend. Friends are very important to me Friends mean everything to me!^^


  1. Welcome to GLPS camp!

    You are from Hong Kong! I want to visit Hong Kong. May be you can give me a your when I go there. And I like how you think greatly of your friends. As you said, friends are going to be very important in your life.

  2. I've been to HongKong also. Such a cool place. Disney land at HongKong was the best!
